Consultancy and Training - Procurement & Supply Chain

About Us

About us


As your business grows and your Customer demands grow then your supply chain is crucial. Often the success of the programme is due to the success of the supply chain that you rely on.

We work with both public sector and private sector, helping public sector organisations deliver transparent effective, innovative contracts that are fully compliant with Public Contract regulations (2015). Also helping private sector build resilient, sustainable supply chains.

Faremaxpro has a clear mission to provide customers with a dedicated Procurement and Supply Chain expertise to build a robust supply chain that will grow with you sustainably.

Business Coaching 
Coaching with a difference

We have a number of coaching programmes available:
  • The Growth and Scale up programme - developing your company's growth and scale up plan. We work with you to understand where you are now and where do you want to get to and then develop the strategies to take your business to the next level, whilst providing ongoing support providing energy, pace and focus that creates accelerated growth.
  • Executive Mastery - CEO / board level transformation working with your team to develop your change programme mastery inclusive of individual 1:1 time and peer review. Specialism is in  Sustainability.
  • Woman in Business - tailored for the Woman in business who is developing their business and or their career to the next level.

We have extensive technical skills and experience in delivering training with Lancaster University Management School, with Leadership and development, transformational management.

We also work with the  Northern Regional CIPs office delivering training that will ensure your staff are qualified to the CIPs standards.

 We can also develop bespoke in-house courses to upskill your teams in specific areas that you may need.

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